50 Interestinga Facts About The Human Body
If you've ever wondered why only reindeer pull Santa's
sleigh or how fast these animals run, these facts will help answer those
1. Run very fast.
Scientists claim that they can run at a speed of 80 km / h.
When detecting predators, reindeer will launch with their heads high and
parallel to the ground, and their tails will stand up. When chased, reindeer
gallop very quickly.
2. The furthest moving mammal on land.
Reindeer can travel up to 5,000 km per year. According to
the International Union for Conservation of Nature, reindeer are the furthest-moving
of all land mammals. Meanwhile, the humpback whale is the furthest-moving
mammal in the water. They often travel up to 8,000 kilometers under the ocean
to return to their breeding grounds.
3. Very good cold tolerance.
Reindeer live in Alaska (USA), Canada, Scandinavia and
Russia. Their food is tundra plants. Reindeer's body is covered with hair that
is able to hold air. The layer of air in the feathers helps to isolate their
body from the surrounding environment. In addition, reindeer's circulatory
system also has the ability to help cold blood in the limbs absorb heat from
the warm blood source in their body.
4. Move gently.
Santa never has to worry about the reindeer waking the kids
when he delivers presents. Of course, this is not true of reindeer with bells
around their necks. Female reindeer only communicate with their fellow humans
for the first few months after giving birth (in the summer), while males only
vocalize during the mating season (autumn). The scientists discovered that the
males had a large air sac in their necks. Airbags allow them to emit raucous
sounds to attract the attention of females during mating season. The call also
helps the male reindeer deter competitors. For the children, the airbag allows
them to communicate with the child. The cry of each female reindeer has its own
intensity and frequency. Their children recognize their mothers by their cries.
5. Santa Claus uses only female reindeer.
The horns of male reindeer shed at the end of the breeding
season (early December). In contrast, the horns on the female reindeer's head
persist throughout the winter. That may be the reason why Santa Claus only
chooses female reindeer to pull the cart. There is also another reason: Male
reindeer have lost up to 95% of their body fat stores, so they have only 5% fat
by the time of Christmas. Meanwhile, female reindeer still have up to 50% of
their fat in the winter. The fat layer plays an important role in keeping the
reindeer warm. Therefore, the cold tolerance of the female reindeer is higher
than that of the male during Christmas. Tests show that female reindeer can
withstand temperatures of -43 degrees Celsius.
6. Reindeer have red nose?.
Speaking of the leader of the reindeer herd that pulls
Santa's sleigh, the secret to Rudolph's rosy cheeks is the dense network of
blood vessels in his nose. Medical researchers in the Netherlands and the
University of Rochester in New York say that reindeer appear to have 25 percent
more capillaries carrying red and oxygen-rich blood than humans.
“In colder climates… increased blood flow in the nose helps
keep the surface of the nose warm,” says John Cullen of the University of
Rochester. The dense network of blood vessels in the reindeer's nose is also
essential for regulating the animal's internal body temperature, as, like many
mammals, reindeer don't sweat."
7. Where do reindeer live?
Reindeer are found in a large expanse surrounding the
Arctic, in Alaska, Canada, Greenland, Northern Europe and northern Asia in
tundra, mountain and forest habitats. Their home range can be up to 500 square
kilometers, according to the Encyclopedia Britannica.
Subspecies of reindeer, such as the forest reindeer
(Rangifer tarandus caribou), can be found as far south as 46 degrees north
latitude (North America). Both the Peary and Svalbard reindeer subspecies
(Rangifer tarandus platyrhynchus) can survive as far north as 80 degrees north
latitude, passing through Greenland, Svalbard and other northern regions.
8. What do reindeer eat?
Reindeer are animals that eat only plants. Their diet may
include herbs, ferns, mosses, grasses, buds, mushrooms, and leaves. On average,
an adult reindeer eats about 4 to 8 kg of vegetation per day.
In winter, reindeer have to dig through the snow to find
food. They dig using their antlers and nibble on energetic lichens known as
reindeer moss.
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