Top 10 Strangest Space Structures Discovered In 2021
The closer we look at the universe, the more beautiful and
baffling it becomes.
Orbiting more than 300 miles or 480 kilometers over Earth
and separated by tens of millions of light-years from many of the interstellar
objects it studies, the Hubble Space Telescope takes "working
remotely" to a new extreme. Even as the world below grappled with another
pandemic year, weird and wonderful space discoveries flooded in from above,
with astronomers pulling back the curtain on monster black holes, invisible
magnetic megastructures and a cosmic treasure trove of extraterrestrial
As a reminder that the universe just gets stranger and
stranger the farther you get from Earth, here are 10 of the most awesome,
extreme and enigmatic space structures discovered in 2021.
1. A star-munching "Pac Man" in the southern sky.
They say that in space, no one can hear you wakka wakka
wakka wakka. Tell that to the Pac-Man remnant, the gassy remains of an ancient
supernova that have taken on a shape instantly recognizable to fans of the
classic video game. The object, officially known as N 63A, is the product of a
star that collapsed under its own weight in the not-too-distant Large
Magellanic Cloud, located 163,000 light-years from the Milky Way. The resulting
dispersal of superheated gas took on this shape by chance. But the bright
"power pellets" sitting in Pac-Man's path are no coincidence;
according to NASA researchers, the pellets are young stars, forged from the
same gas cloud that bore Pac-Man's ill-fated progenitor star long, long ago.
What a pity … Looks like that star ran out of extra lives.
2. A ghostly jellyfish, risen from the dead.
Galaxy clusters are the largest known structures in the
universe bound together by gravity. They can contain thousands of galaxies,
enormous clouds of hot gas and, sometimes, the glowing ghost of a jellyfish or
two. In the galaxy cluster Abell 2877, located in the southern sky about 300
million light-years from Earth, astronomers have discovered one such jellyfish.
Visible only in a narrow band of radio light, the cosmic jelly is more than 1
million light-years wide.
According to a study published March 17 in The Astrophysical
Journal, no structure this large had ever been seen in such a narrow band of
light. It may be that this cosmic jelly is actually a "radio phoenix"
— a cosmic structure born from a high-energy explosion like a black hole
outburst, fades over millions of years as the structure expands and its
electrons lose energy, and finally gets reenergized by another cosmic cataclysm
such as the collision of two galaxies. The result is an enormous structure that
glows brightly in certain radio frequencies but dims rapidly in all others.
It's a ghost, a jellyfish and a phoenix, all in one.
3. The ultra-rare planet in Orion's nose.
Don't sneeze, Orion! This year, scientists found compelling
evidence that the rarest type of planet in the universe — a single world
orbiting three stars simultaneously — is perched on the tip of the hunter
constellation's great, gassy nose.
The star system, known as GW Orionis or GW Ori and located
about 1,300 light-years from Earth, makes a tempting target for study; with
three dusty, orange rings nested inside one another, the system literally looks
like a giant bull's-eye in the sky. At the center of that bull's-eye are three
stars — two locked in a tight binary orbit with each other, and a third
swirling widely around the other two. In a paper published Sept. 17 in the
journal Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, researchers built on
previous data to show that a wobbly misalignment in the star system's three rings
is almost certainly caused by the presence of a large, Jupiter-size planet
inside one of the rings. If confirmed by future research, this enormous world
will become the first "circumtriple" planet, or planet orbiting three
stars, ever detected in the universe — and will give Luke Skywalker's
double-sunned home world Tatooine a real run for its money.
4. A helix-shaped black hole energy cannon.
In 2019, researchers released the first and so far, only
photograph of a supermassive black hole, a gargantuan object about 6.5 billion
times as massive as the sun and located some 55 million light-years from Earth
in the galaxy Messier 87. This year, scientists took another look at the
monster object using the Very Large Array observatory in New Mexico, focusing now
on the enormous jet of matter and energy blasting out of the black hole's
center. The team's analysis showed that the ginormous jet was hardly a straight
shooter, but rather was contorted into a bizarre "double helix"
structure by a corkscrew-shaped magnetic field that blasts out of the black
hole and deep into space for nearly 3,300 light-years. This is the longest
magnetic field ever detected in a galactic jet, the researchers said, and it
provides a fresh view of one of the most common phenomena in the universe.
5. An invisible "barrier" shielding the galaxy's
The center of the Milky Way functions like a giant particle
accelerator, shooting beams of charged matter called cosmic rays out into the
universe at near light speed. When researchers tried to map the density of
cosmic rays near the galactic center in a Nov. 9 study in the journal Nature
Communications, they discovered something puzzling: Even as cosmic rays gushed
out of the galaxy's center en masse, a mysterious "barrier" was
keeping a large portion of incoming cosmic rays from entering the center at
all. The team could only speculate about the source of this cosmic ray barrier
but suggested it could be a jumble of magnetic fields related to our galaxy's
central black hole, the monstrous Sagittarius A.
6. A massive "shipyard" of ancient galaxies.
In an Oct. 26 study in the journal Astronomy &
Astrophysics, scientists shared the discovery of a massive "shipyard"
where galaxies are built, similar to the one our Milky Way grew up in. The
giant structure, called a protocluster, contains more than 60 galaxies and is
11 billion light-years from Earth, placing it in a part of the universe that is
only 3 billion years old. Protoclusters like this one form in regions of space
where long threads of gas, called filaments, crisscross, providing a buffet of
hydrogen for gravity to coalesce into stars and galaxies. The young galaxies
coming together in this "shipyard" appear to be growing at a
voracious, almost unrealistic speed, the researchers said. The finding suggests
that ancient protoclusters were far more efficient at assembling the
foundations of the modern universe than researchers ever imagined.
7. A 500-light-year-wide "cavity" in the Milky
Two clouds of gas, both alike in dignity, appear side by
side in the fair Milky Way. Known as "molecular clusters," these
enormous provinces of star-forming gas stretch across the sky, seeming to form
a bridge between the constellations Taurus and Perseus. It's a celestial tale
of star-crossed love — and, according to recent research, it's also an enormous
optical illusion.
New 3D maps of the region, courtesy of the European Space
Agency's Gaia space observatory, show that these canoodling clouds are actually
hundreds of light-years apart, separated by an enormous, empty orb entirely
absent of gas, dust and stars. Dubbed the Perseus-Taurus Supershell, this newly
detected chasm stretches about 500 light-years wide, according to a study
published Sept. 22 in The Astrophysical Journal Letters, and was likely created
by a catastrophic supernova millions of years ago. The good news is that the
ancient explosion probably accelerated star formation on the edges of the
supershell, the researchers wrote, giving this star-crossed tragedy a happy
8. The twisted magnetic "tunnel" that surrounds
the solar system
Earth, along with the rest of the solar system and some
nearby stars, may be trapped inside a gigantic magnetic tunnel — and
astronomers don't know why. A tube of vast magnetized tendrils, 1,000
light-years long and invisible to the naked eye, may encircle the solar system,
astronomers proposed in a paper on the preprint database arXiv. The team's
investigation into two of the brightest radio-emitting gas structures in our
galactic neighborhood — the North Polar Spur and the Fan Region — revealed that
the two structures might be linked, even though they are located on different
sides of the sky. The glue that links these structures are long, twisting
tendrils of charged particles and magnetic fields, resembling a "curving
tunnel" that wraps around everything in between, including the solar
system, the researchers said. It's unclear where this magnetic
"tunnel" came from, but tendrils like these could be ubiquitous in
the universe and possibly part of an all-encompassing web of crisscrossing
magnetic-field lines, the authors suggested.
9. The first view of a "spaghettified" star.
10. A "mystery hut" on the far side of the moon.
Finally, for an object much closer to home than any others
described this year, how about a "mysterious hut" standing proudly on
the far side of the moon? China's Yutu 2 rover spotted the cube-shaped anomaly
on Oct. 29, with the object protruding just above an otherwise uniform horizon.
Is it an alien obelisk, à la Stanley Kubrick's "2001: A Space
Odyssey"? Or is it something far more boring, like one of the moon's many
boulders? It will take Yutu two or three months to get a closer look — and,
hopefully, a satisfying answer — according to the China National Space
Administration. We'll be watching the sky optimistically until then.
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